Energías alternativas

  • León D. Fernández-Betancur Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Fuel, Biodiesel, Cells of combustion.


The fuels have been used fol' the man since it found the way to control, to produce and to use the fire. From those remote times, it has found other elements, always looking for more efficiency in the processes that they require of the heat and the power that can be obtained by means of the combustion. In this process of improvement, it has used a great amount of fossil fuels, happening through the wood, the coal, petroleum, all it detrimental for the environment and the health ofthe alive beings. The society, when seeing threatened its in te grity , begins to be against to the wild consumption of these fuels, forcing the scientists to investigate in search ofless detrimental options. Like consequence, at the present time one works in the implementation of solutions like the cells of combustion, whose remainder is pure water.

Author Biography

León D. Fernández-Betancur, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Ingeniero Mecanico, especialista en Docencia Universitaria y en GestiOn Energetica Industrial, 2° ano de doctorado en la Universidad del Pais Vasco en Estudios sobre Ciencia y Tecnologia. Profesor de tiempo completo del ITM.
How to Cite
L. D. Fernández-Betancur, “Energías alternativas”, TecnoL., no. 14, pp. 105–126, Jul. 2005.


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