Incertidumbre ante la implementación del nuevo modelo de medición de revistas científicas en Colombia

  • Gloria Mercedes Díaz Cabrera Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Scientific journals, Impact factor, Editorial management, H index, Publindex


In the year of 1996, the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias, carried out the first call for the indexing of scientific journals in Colombia, which included only 26 journals. In 2002, the National Government promulgated Decree 1279, which became a salary and benefit system for university teachers, and Colciencias was assigned the role of building and maintaining the National Indexing and Homologation System for Specialized Science Publications. , Technology and Innovation (PUBLINDEX), indexing that recognizes and classifies scientific journals in one of four categories A1, A2, B or C.

How to Cite
G. M. D. Cabrera, “Incertidumbre ante la implementación del nuevo modelo de medición de revistas científicas en Colombia”, TecnoL., vol. 20, no. 38, pp. 9–13, Feb. 2017.


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