Advances in biomedical engineering: a call for enhancing empirical research

  • Andrés Orozco-Duque Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • Daniel Novák University in Prague
Keywords: Biomedical engineering, Computer science, Brain-computer interfaces, Internet of Things, Biomedical signal processing


Advances in biomedical engineering (BME) imply the existence of research groups working in multidisciplinary teams to understand physiological processes and develop methods and tools for diagnostics and therapeutics. Multidisciplinary teams include physicians, biologists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers from different disciplines: electrical and electronics, computer sciences, materials, mechanical, chemical, among others. Lately, BME has become a bridge joining these disciplines. Therefore, successful BME projects involve not only a deep knowledge of the specific discipline, but also an understanding of the physiological phenomena under study.

Author Biographies

Andrés Orozco-Duque, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Grupo de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Aplicadas, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín, Colombia

Daniel Novák, University in Prague

Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

How to Cite
A. Orozco-Duque and D. Novák, “Advances in biomedical engineering: a call for enhancing empirical research”, TecnoL., vol. 20, no. 40, pp. 9–11, Sep. 2017.


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