Building the Educational Use of Computers in Schools

Keywords: Social construction of technology, social uses of technology, computers in schools, Actor-Network Theory


Despite the support that different organizations responsible for promoting the development of the Latin American and Caribbean region have given to technological equipment and training programs in the use of technologies in school, different studies on the effectiveness of such integration in educational processes have shown that such investment does not necessarily improve the quality of education. On the contrary, in certain contexts they have proven to be harmful to the school environment. This article presents the case study analysis of computer introduction processes in ten Colombian public schools benefited by the program Computadores para Educar. In addition, an interpretative proposal is made on the construction of the educational use of computers. Answers will be given to two questions: What processes of integration and constitution of socio-technical relationships took place in the process of the computers introduction in to the classrooms by this program. And how to interpret the transformations of the uses of these computers in educational terms, through these assemblies and relationships. To this end, document analysis and fieldwork (interviews and observations) were carried out in schools benefited by the program during the period 2004-2008. The main results are the processes description and the interpretative proposal on the construction of the educational use of the computers starting from a theoretical elaboration from the sociology of the uses, the Actor-Network Theory, the sociology of technology, and the proposals of the pedagogical triangle and the schemes of use.


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How to Cite
Guzmán-Ortiz, S. M. (2019). Building the Educational Use of Computers in Schools. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 11(21), 119–146.


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Thematic Dossier: Philosophy of Technology
