From Scientific Literacy to Public Understanding of Science

Keywords: Scientific literacy, public understanding of science, scientific communication, science education


This paper seeks to exhaustively analyze the literature on public understanding of science and scientific literacy, as well as their different approaches, particularly publications in specialized journals. The aim is to argue that public understanding of science has a broader and clearly defined theoretical component and constitutes the evolution of scientific literacy, which emerged as a curricular model aimed at overcoming the model of educational deficit in the United States after the launch of the first Sputnik satellite by the Russians. For this purpose, around 160 research articles in the field were reviewed. This made it possible to validate the hypothesis that public understanding of science represents the evolution of a paradigm that transferred the image of the scientific concepts and processes necessary for personal decision-making in cultural matters to promote economic productivity.


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How to Cite
Ballesteros-Ballesteros, V., & Gallego-Torres, A. P. (2022). From Scientific Literacy to Public Understanding of Science. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 14(26), e1855.


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