Biotechnology and society in Cuba: the case of the Molecular Immunology Center

  • Jorge Núñez Jover Universidad de La Habana
  • Galia Figueroa Alfonso Universidad de La Habana
Keywords: Biotechnology, biotechnology industry, Cuba


Since the 1980s, effective and sustained policies in the field of biotechnology have been pursued in Cuba. The highest priority has been given to the medicalpharmaceutical industry (medicine production, vaccines, monoclonal compounds, among others). This process intended to satisfy demands of Cuban health system and to generate high value products that were able to compete in the world market. This paper comes closer to the Cuban experience through the specific case of one of its more successful centers: the Molecular Immunology Center.
The experiences of this center not only reflect the Cuban strategy in the field of biotechnology but also its bonds with national policies, economy and society, and fundamental breakthroughs and challenges. The document deals with these victories, looking at them from its interrelations with Cuban policies and economic challenges imposed by the international regulatory framework. All things considered, the document seeks to contribute, from the analysis of the advances, difficulties and challenges of Cuban experience, to the generation of good lessons in the S&T policy decisionmaking field and to encourage the development of high technology industries in developing countries.

Author Biographies

Jorge Núñez Jover, Universidad de La Habana

Doctor en Ciencias Filosóficas, Universidad de La Habana

Galia Figueroa Alfonso, Universidad de La Habana

Máster en Desarrollo Social, Universidad de La Habana


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How to Cite
Núñez Jover, J., & Figueroa Alfonso, G. (2014). Biotechnology and society in Cuba: the case of the Molecular Immunology Center. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 6(10), 11–24.


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