About the Journal

Last updated: 2023-11-24

Focus and scope 
Number of articles published by the same author
Peer review 
Publication frequency 
Open-access policy
Code of Ethics and Good Practices
Correction and retraction policies 
Errata and retractions 
Retracting an article
AI Usage Statement
Originality check
Data protection declaration
Publication fees
Digital preservation
Digital Objects Identifier

Focus and scope

TecnoLógicas is a multidisciplinary open access scientific journal that publishes articles in different fields of engineering and applied technology. TecnoLógicas publishes original research and review articles in English or Spanish. The journal operates under a continuous publication model with three issues per year. Articles are selected through double-blind peer review, strictly verifying their compliance with the ethical aspects of scientific publication. The publication of TecnoLógicas is funded by the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín (Colombia). We do not charge any fee for processing, publication, or access to articles. The fields covered by the journal are:

  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Materials engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Biochemical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Agro-industrial engineering

*If you would like to know if the topic addressed in your manuscript falls within the scope of this journal, email our Editorial team at tecnologicas@itm.edu.co, enclosing your title and abstract in order to assess their suitability.

TecnoLógicas welcomes the following types of contributions: 

Research articles present, in a detailed manner, the results of original studies. They define the problem they address and explore other studies in the scientific literature. They also thoroughly and fully describe the proposed methods, report the experimental results that reflect the contribution of the submission to a field of engineering, and draw conclusions that respond to the objectives of the study.

Review articles analyze, summarize, and integrate the results of published or unpublished studies in a specific field of science or technology in order to report advances and development trends. At least 50 references are reviewed.

Number of articles published by the same author

TecnoLógicas can publish up to three (3) articles by the same author in the same volume.

Peer Review

This journal uses double-blind peer review, that is, the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed from each other. The manuscripts are sent to at least two external academic peers, who are selected based on criteria of academic competence in the field, international recognition, and proficiency in the language of the manuscript. The peer reviewers then evaluate the academic quality of the study, its rigor in terms of theoretical and methodological treatment, and its contribution to new knowledge. Controversies are resolved by assigning an additional reviewer, and the Editorial Board makes the final decision to publish or not. Peer reviewers should submit their evaluation within one (1) month after assignment.

Publication frequency

Starting in 2021, TecnoLógicas will implement a continuous publication model. As a result, approved articles will be published online first on the journal website and grouped into three issues: January, May, and September.

Open-access policy

TecnoLógicas can be accessed free of charge for reading and download your articles on its website. The reproduction of the contents of the journal in full or in part is authorized for academic purposes and for internal use by institutions as long as the source is cited (i.e., the authors and TecnoLógicas). The ideas and opinions expressed in the published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.

Code of Ethics and Good Practices

TecnoLógicas, seeking to promote excellent scientific dissemination, is committed to having all the participants in the stages of the publication process meet quality and ethical standards. For that purpose, TecnoLógicas observes the ethical regulations and procedures to settle controversies established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Below are different cases and their respective procedures to resolve controversies established by the Publications Ethics Committee - COPE.

  • Suspected redundant or duplicate publication: The author will be asked to provide a letter justifying why the manuscript is redundant or duplicated. Once this letter is received, instructions outlined in COPE will be followed.
  • Suspected plagiarism: If there is a smaller portion of copied content, the author will be requested to rewrite the copied sentences or treat them as direct quotations, adding the corresponding citations. Otherwise, if most of the manuscript contains copied content, the journal will request justification from the authors. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be rejected. COPE: 
  • Authorship changes: Authors will be asked to clarify the reasons why the change or addition of authorship was made either before publication or after publication and will be asked to send a letter mentioning that all authors agree, this letter will be exhaustively reviewed by the editorial team to verify the viability of the case. If not all authors agree, the editorial process of the manuscript will be suspended.

    Addition of extra author – before publication

    Addition of extra author – after publication 

    Removal of author – before publication

    Authorship and contributorship of unpublished data

  • Conflict of interest: Authors must explicitly indicate within the manuscript any potential conflicts of interest—financial, professional, or personal—that could inappropriately influence the obtained results or proposed interpretations. If a reviewer reports a conflict of interest, instructions defined in the COPE flowchart will be followed: 
  • Suspected fabricated data in a received manuscript: If a reviewer informs the journal of suspicions regarding fabricated data in the manuscript, a new reviewer may be assigned for a second opinion. If suspicions align, authors will be contacted to request clarification. Upon receipt of this letter from the authors, if the response is satisfactory, peer review will continue. Otherwise, COPE instructions will be followed: 
  • Suspected scientific rigor issues: In cases where concerns arise about the scientific validity of a dataset before its dissemination, COPE instructions will be followed: 
  • Suspected use of elements with legal restrictions: If concerns arise post-publication regarding aspects like intellectual property, research, or management regulations after datasets are made public, COPE instructions will be followed: 


The following are the duties of each participant in the publication process of the journal.

Duties of the editors and the journal staff

  • Publication decision: The editor of TecnoLógicas ensures the scientific community that the editorial processes conducted by the journal are serious and high-quality, and that it only publishes articles that have undergone a peer-review process and present a contribution to a field of applied engineering or technology.
  • Unbiased process: The editor evaluates the manuscripts in an unbiased manner, without any type of discrimination whatsoever, respecting the intellectual independence of the authors, and not favoring any author due to their institutional affiliation or academic background.
  • Confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement: The editor and journal staff must not disclose information about authors or reviewers. Additionally, they will respect the confidentiality of the content of the submissions until they have been accepted and published.
  • Conflicts of interest: If the journal receives a manuscript in which at least one of the authors has a direct personal or professional relationship with the editor of the journal or is closely related to one of their studies or projects, this is considered a conflict of interest. Therefore, the editor must abstain from participating in the review process of the submitted manuscript and should send it to the Editorial Board for them to carry out the editorial process.
  • Selecting peer reviewers: The editor selects peer reviewers in an objective way, ensuring their competence in the specific field of the manuscript and a critical and expert evaluation of the work as less biased as possible.
  • Meeting decision deadlines: The editors and the journal staff are responsible for meeting review deadlines of different editorial stages that manuscripts undergo and the publication of accepted articles. They work for the timely dissemination of results in each issue.
  • Errors in published articles: When editors find or are informed about an important error that significantly affects the results, conclusions, authorship, or institutional affiliation of a published article, they should make sure that it is timely corrected and communicated to the scientific community so that potential readers are aware of the corrections that were made.
  • Procedure in case of ethical issues: The editor of TecnoLógicas takes all claims and suspicions of inappropriate behavior seriously and conducts reasonable procedures to investigate each case, regardless of the moment at which they are identified or reported, even if the article has already been published. In all cases, the authors will have the opportunity to respond to the claim.

Duties of the authors

  • Originality: The authors must ensure that the manuscript they submit is original, previously unpublished, and has not been published in full or in part in any format. Furthermore, it has not been simultaneously submitted to other publications.
  • Data veracity: The authors should confirm the veracity of the data or results obtained in their studies. In other words, they should make sure that the information was not altered or manipulated because such behavior is considered unethical and fraudulent.
  • Information sources: The authors should adequately cite the source of the ideas or passages they take from other previously published works, as indicated in the IEEE citation style used in this journal. They should also make sure that the references are the original sources of the information on which the manuscript is based.
  • Authorship: The authors should credit the individuals that made a significant contribution to the experimental design, data collection, planning, execution, results interpretation, and manuscript drafting of their studies. Furthermore, the order or hierarchy of the authors should correspond to their level of responsibility and participation in the study.
  • Funding source and institutional affiliation: The authors should inform the name of the institution they worked for during the study (affiliation). Additionally, they should indicate if the submission is the result of a study carried out with public or private funding. In that case, they should provide the name of such funding source.
  • Conflicts of interest: All the authors must explicitly declare any possible conflict of financial, professional, or personal interests that may inappropriately influence their results or interpretations.
  • Errors in published articles: When authors identify a significant error during the editorial process or in the published manuscript, they should immediately communicate it to the editor so that the publication can be changed or retracted.

Duties of the reviewers

  • Contribution to the editorial decision: Reviewers are committed to conducting a critical, objective, constructive, and honest review, properly supporting their recommendation and respecting the intellectual autonomy of the author of the manuscript. If reviewers deem their expertise to be insufficient to conduct a review, they should immediately inform the editor and avoid participating in the process.
  • If reviewers identify or have a reasonable suspicion of inappropriate behavior (e.g., redundant publication, plagiarism, double submission, data manipulation, conflict of interest, or inappropriate authorship), they should immediately warn the editor to take action on the case.
  • Confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement: The reviewers acknowledge that all the information contained in the manuscripts (including text, figures, tables, multimedia material, and appendices) is confidential, the property of their authors, and protected by copyright law. Furthermore, they are committed to using such information for the peer review and recommendation process only.
  • Meeting submission deadlines: Reviewers should submit their reviews on time. If they cannot meet the deadline for any reason, they should inform the editor of their possible delay and propose a deadline extension.
  • Analyzing information sources: Reviewers should ensure that the references in the manuscript are relevant and recent works published on the topic of the manuscript. If they do not meet these criteria, reviewers should suggest to discard those references and include others that are not cited in the manuscript.
  • Anonymity: In order to guarantee the impartiality of the peer review process, the editor does not disclose the identities of the authors to the reviewers. Likewise, the names of the reviewers are confidential and never shared with the authors. If the identity of the authors has been compromised for any reason, the reviewer should immediately notify the editor.
  • Conflicts of interest: Reviewers must inform the editor if they consider they have any kind of financial, professional, or personal conflict of interest with any of the authors of the manuscript. If they have a conflict of interest, reviewers should reject the review assignment and inform the editor of the reason why they cannot complete such review.

Duties of the readers

Readers should immediately inform the editor if they identify an article published in any issue of this journal that bears resemblance to other works previously published or any other inappropriate behavior so that actions can be taken in that regard.

Readers should also respect the copyrights of the articles published in this journal by not using substantial parts thereof in other publications and adequately citing sources when appropriate.

Correction and retraction policies

Honest mistakes are part of science and publication processes, but they should be corrected as soon as they are detected. The authors should inform the editor of TecnoLógicas of any error they notice in their articles after publication. Corrections are made as soon as possible at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

The editors will consider a retraction in cases of unethical studies that result in situations such as unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, and/or redundant publications. All the retraction notices should explain why the article was retracted.

To solve controversies, we follow the applicable COPE’s guidelines.

Errata and retractions

Any content of the articles published in this journal may be corrected when, during the review or editing stages, or even after publication, the authors or editor find or are informed of undetected errors.

Depending on the type, seriousness, and/or consequences of the error, the following changes and/or addenda can be applied:

  • Errata are corrections of one or more errors in spite of which an article can remain published.
  • A retraction is the acknowledgement of errors that are sufficiently serious to invalidate the results and conclusions of an article. Consequently, the latter must be retracted. The articles that have been demonstrated to breach the publication ethics statement of this journal in any way will be retracted.
  • A retraction and republication will be considered if the Editorial Board finds that an honest error was made (e.g., wrong classification or calculation error) and led to an important change in the direction of the meaning of the results, interpretations, and conclusions. In that case, a new review will be conducted and the readers will be informed about the scope of the changes that were made.

All the erratum or retraction requests should be sent to tecnologicas@itm.edu.co describing the case and attaching the supporting information.

All the errata will be thoroughly analyzed by the editor and the Editorial Team. In more complex cases, the editor may request expert advice to make decisions and propose ethical solutions for each particular situation.

In all the cases, this journal will ensure that errors are promptly corrected. TecnoLógicas will also communicate and detail the changes and the dates when they were made so that readers are aware of the respective modifications.    

Before requesting a correction or reporting an error, the following aspects should be considered:  


Readers can list the errors they have found in a published article in a single document.

If a reader reports a substantial error in the content of a paper, the editor will analyze the case to verify the situation. After the error has been confirmed, the authors will be contacted so that they make the necessary adjustments and corrections and write a reply to the reader.

If the reader is not satisfied with the answer, direct communication between the reader and the authors will be facilitated.

In all the cases, the journal will be informed about such communications.


If an author identifies a substantial error that requires the retraction of a published article, the case should be supported in detail. In case of corrigenda or errata, the specific passages of the text where the error(s) can be found should be specified, and the correct version should be provided. The Editorial Board may consider a peer review of the corrections.

The corresponding author is responsible for clarifying the errors to the co-authors and coordinating the changes required by the journal.

If the article is already published, the authors may request to retract it if a substantial error that justifies a retraction is identified.

Erratum notice

All the replies to the errata and partial changes will be individually notified to the complainant. Additionally, the changes will be published in a note in the next issue of the journal and its website. When the corrected version is published, the journal will specify the error and the changes.

Retraction notices should clearly state the title of the article that was entirely retracted by the author, as well as the reasons behind the retraction.

Retracting an article

The Editorial Board can withdraw or retract an article if it constitutes any type of breach of the Editorial Policy of the journal in accordance with COPE’s guidelines. For example:

(a) If the author(s) do not meet the deadlines to submit the revised version of the manuscript and the response to the reviewers.

(b) If it is found that the manuscript submitted to this journal was also published in or submitted to another national or international publication.

(c) If, during the peer-review process, it is found that the data or results of the study were altered or manipulated.

The authors can only withdraw their manuscript from this journal before approval and editing (proofreading and typesetting). The corresponding author should send a letter to the editor, signed by all the authors, formally expressing their desire to withdraw the contribution and the reasons behind that decision. Before such manuscript can be submitted to another journal, the authors should have the confirmation that their contribution has been withdrawn from the editorial process of TecnoLógicas.


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and assisted technologies is permitted only with the aim of improving aspects related to the writing process, such as spelling, grammar, and writing. This technology must be used under the supervision of the author, thoroughly reviewing the result. Under no circumstances should AI-assisted technologies be named as an author or co-author, nor should citations be included, since the role of authorship requires tasks that can be addressed exclusively by humans. 

Disclosure Instructions 

When authors use this technology, they must declare the technology used and why they used it. This statement should go at the end of the manuscript before the references. Finally, if there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement. 

IA STATEMENT (optional)  

While conducting this research, the authors used [TOOL/SERVICE NAME] for [REASON]. After employing this tool/service, the authors have carefully reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the content of the publication. 

Originality check

All the manuscripts submitted to this journal are processed and analyzed using text-matching software. If there is evidence of any breach of the code of ethics, this journal will follow the procedure established in COPE FLOWCHARTS to solve cases of suspected misconduct.


With their statement of originality, whether by signed letter or by accepting the terms of use in the journal’s submission platform, the authors declare under penalty of perjury that: (1) the manuscript they have submitted is original, previously unpublished, and created by those who submitted it; (2) the authors that appear in the manuscript made a substantial and creative contribution to the work; and (3) no similar or substantially similar article written by them has been published in or submitted to any other publication or outlet in any format before that submission.

In the event that the manuscript is approved for publication, the authors will authorize its publication free of charge to the INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, public communication, placing disposition, distribution and transformation, without any limit as to the number of copies,formats and the means through which said reproduction, public communication, making available, distribution and transformation will take place, which could be any known or unknown means.

Furthermore, the authors should declare that they will hold INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO harmless from and against any legal, out-of-court, or administrative claims (or of any other nature) regarding the copyrights of the authors of THE ARTICLE, and they will defend INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO in case of any injunction regarding the originality, publication date, and copyrights of the authors over THE ARTICLE. Such defense includes but is not limited to repay the fees of lawyers and legal assistants, dispute resolution centers, imposed compensations, or out-of-court settlements agreed upon with claimants, plaintiffs, or summoning parties covered by authors.

INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, in accordance with its editorial policies, authorizes self-archiving and hosting THE ARTICLE, when it has been accepted and a postprint, in personal web pages and institutional or specialized repositories.

Consent for publication

The articles published in this journal after June 2018 are licensed under a"Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike" Creative Commons License under the following terms:  


Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.


NonCommercial: you may not use the material for commercial purposes. 


ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

In accordance with the regulations of Agreement 34 of 2014 (ITM Intellectual Property Statute), Section 19, “the ideas in the works and research studies published and/or stated by its professors, contractors, officers, collaborators, trainees, visitors, students, and researchers in any context are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not constitute expressions of the official mindset of the Institution.”

Data protection declaration

The personal data included in this publication are the property of their rightful owners, who have authorized that such data be treated in accordance with ITM Resolution 395 of 2014, entitled Políticas para el tratamiento y la protección de datos personales [ITM’s Personal Data Treatment and Protection Policy] and available on the institutional website. For measurements and reports of scientific production, these data will be treated observing the regulations currently in force in that regard, especially Colombian Act 1581 of 2012, and they can be shared for statistics, measurements, and activities derived from ITM’s mission statement.

Publication fees

TecnoLógicas journal does not charge any fee for reviewing, editing, or publishing articles.

TecnoLógicas is funded with resources provided by Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, a public institution. 

Digital preservation

In order to guarantee permanent access to the articles published in TecnoLógicas and to comply with the regulations currently in force regarding the Colombian Legal Deposit, a copy of every issue of this journal is sent to The National Library of Colombia, Biblioteca Departamental Carlos Castro Saavedra, The Library of the National University of Colombia, and The Library of the Congress of Colombia. Furthermore, TecnoLógicas is digitally preserved in collaboration with the organization Portico and pkp on an ojs platform that uses a private Lockss network (pkp Private LOCKSS Network, pln).

Portico is an archive of digital journals that aims to preserve scholarly and scientific literature published in electronic format and ensure that these materials will remain available for future scholars, researchers, and students. Portico ensures the usability, authenticity, discoverability, and accessibility of the content over the long term.

Digital Objects Identifier

This journal assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to every published issue and article in order to ensure permanent access and interoperability, protect intellectual property, and increase scientific visibility.