Impact of Clean Architecture and ISO/IEC 25010 on the Maintainability of Android Applications

Keywords: Mobile applications, Android, Software architecture, Clean architecture, Software quality


The constant evolution of mobile applications is related to the continuous development demanded by user needs, technology and, especially, new devices. This continuous evolution and the complexity of the application itself, means that its maintenance does not guarantee stability when new functionalities are added, or versions of the operating system are updated. The aim of this study was to establish the impact of the implementation of Clean Architecture & ISO/IEC 25010 on the maintainability of the Educar Teacher mobile application ( The research design was quasi-experimental, cross-sectional, considering the Educar Teacher and CRM Distribution applications as experimental and control groups, respectively, where the maintainability of both was evaluated and compared, considering the packages, classes, and lines of code as the unit of analysis. The independent variable was Clean Architecture & ISO/IEC 25010, and the dependent variable was maintainability, which was worked with the criteria of analyzability, stability, testability, and changeability. The sample was census-based and consisted of 693 packages, 2.037 classes and 168.217 lines of code from the Educar Teacher application. According to the results, it is concluded that by developing with Clean Architecture & ISO/IEC 25010, the Educar Teacher application achieves a positive impact on maintainability based on the analyzability, stability, testability, and changeability criteria of 7 %, 56 %, 0.7 % and 0.9 %, respectively.

Author Biographies

José Francisco Arias-Orezano*, Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú

Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima-Perú,

Bejamín David Reyna Barreto, Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú

Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima-Perú,

Guillermo Mamani-Apaza , Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú

Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima-Perú,


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How to Cite
J. F. Arias-Orezano, B. D. Reyna Barreto, and G. Mamani-Apaza, “Impact of Clean Architecture and ISO/IEC 25010 on the Maintainability of Android Applications”, TecnoL., vol. 24, no. 52, p. e2104, Dec. 2021.


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