For Authors

Submission Guidelines

Article preparation guide

Editorial Workflow

Submission Guidelines

Article preparation guide

Last updated: 2023-11-20

The authors should read the "Editorial Policy" of the journal, which details aspects related to the p

ublishing ethics, scope of the journal, publication fee, types of submissions, and other interesting topics.


 Template for authors

Cover letter

 Preparation of the manuscript 

Abstract: The abstract should be a paragraph (200–250 words) describing the aim and contribution of the study in a clear, explicit, and direct way. The abstract must (i) establish the objective and scope of the study, (ii) describe its method, (iii) summarize the most important results, and (iv) draw the main conclusions. The abstract should not contain information or conclusions that are not included in the manuscript, uncommon abbreviations, or citations. A correct and accurate translation of the abstract into Spanish language should be included. If you are not proficient in English or Spanish, make sure it is a high-quality translation.

Keywords: Include five keywords that represent the content of the manuscript and can be used to identify the field or subfield of the study. To increase the visibility of the article, they should be correct terms commonly accepted by the scientific community. The keywords in Spanish should be an accurate translation of their counterparts in English. To select your keywords, check a thesaurus such as those by IEEE, UNESCO, AGROVOC, or Spines, which are implemented to control terms in thematic analyses and the retrieval of information by automatic search engines. The keywords should be separated by commas, and each one should not be longer than four words, including prepositions.

Resumen: It must be a correct and accurate translation into the English language of the text that appears in the summary in Spanish. Authors who do not have a good command of English should be advised to ensure that the translation is of high quality. The same editing format specified for the summary in Spanish should be used.

Palabras clave: It must be a correct and accurate translation into the English language of each keyword. Authors who do not have a good command of English should be advised to ensure that the translation is of high quality. It is recommended for the assignment of the keywords to consult thesauri specialized in the subject treated to specify the terminology that represents the content of the manuscript.


1.1 Manuscript title (Section subtitle)

The title of the manuscript should be in English and Spanish. The title should clearly, accurately, and concisely represent the content of the paper. As much as possible, the title should not include abbreviations or acronyms. The title should be centered, all uppercase, and boldface.

1.2 Authors

Include the names of all the authors (the ones they use in scientific publications), providing at least their first and last name. For example, we can accept Juan Pérez, Juan M. Pérez, or Juan Pérez-González, but not J. Pérez. The author names should be in italics and separated by commas. Insert a consecutive number in superscript at the end of every name to indicate their affiliation below.

The author names in the submitted manuscript may not be changed, except for cases in which it is duly justified. In such cases, all the authors should send a request to the Editorial Board of the journal explaining the reasons for the amendment. If new authors are to be included, the current authors should specify the contribution of the former to the study and the preparation of the manuscript. The Editorial Board of the journal will study the request and make a decision (accept or reject). No authorship changes will be made to published articles.

Note: You should list the names of all the authors in the submission form, Coauthors Section.

1.3 Affiliations

Specify the name of the institution or organization the authors are affiliated with, their city and country, and institutional email address. The affiliations should be written at the bottom of the first page, after the superscript number that corresponds to that shown after each name.

If the authors wish to change their affiliation after the article has been accepted, they should request it through a communication justifying the amendment. The Editorial Board of the journal will study the request and make a decision (accept or reject). No affiliation changes will be made to published articles.

1.4 Potential reviewers

Provide the name, affiliation, and institutional email address of three potential reviewers for your manuscript. They must not be affiliated with the ITM or the institutions of the other authors or have participated in publications with any of the authors in the three years prior to the submission.

1.5 Format

The mandatory format is single column with single line spacing, leaving a blank line between subtitles and text, and no blank line between paragraphs. The paper size should be letter (21.59 cm X 27.94 cm) with a portrait orientation. The margins should be 2.5 cm in all directions. All the text in the manuscript (including table titles, footnotes, and references) should be in Century Schoolbook font, except for the section titles, which should be in Britannic Bold. The main body of the text should be 11 points; the tables, table titles, figure captions, and references, 9 points. The section titles should be all upper-case 12 pts, while the subsection titles should be sentence-case 11 pts.

A blank line should be left before each subtitle. Footers are not allowed; everything should be included in the text. All the names and words in foreign languages should be written in their original form, unless an English version is widely accepted. The names of countries, institutions, and people should follow the official conventions.

When a complete sentence starts and ends with parentheses or quotation marks, the period is placed inside such signs. An ellipsis consists of three dots, not more. Exclamation and question marks end sentences, which is why a period is not necessary before or after them.

1.5.1 Equations

They should be centered with respect to the main text. Additionally, consecutive Arabic numerals should be used (in parenthesis, near the right margin) to label equations; for example: (1). All the equations should be referred to in the manuscript and written in MS Office Word® Equation Editor (not inserted as images in the text).

Equations should be referred to as “(1)”, not “Eq. (1)” or “Equation (1)”, except at the start of a sentence. The meaning and units of each term in the expressions must be clearly defined. We recommend using the International System of Units (SI). All the numerical quantities in the main text, equations, tables, and figures in English should use the decimal point format. Please make the necessary changes and be consistent if the numbers were originally in Spanish and commas should be replaced with points.

1.5.2 Tables

The tables should be created in MS Office Word® or MS Office Excel®, and not inserted as images (which is not allowed). The tables should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text, including an explanatory title on top (e.g., see Table 1). After the explanatory title, the source of the table should be provided event if it was created by the authors. All the tables should be referred to in the text as Table X, where X is the corresponding number. The columns of the tables should have a heading. Only horizontal borders should be used to separate the rows, and the vertical borders of the columns should not be visible. The tables must be “inserted” in the text of the manuscript after they are mentioned (see Table 1).

1.5.3 Figures

All the figures (i.e., drawings, diagrams, illustrations, photographs, etc.) should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text and include a very short explanatory caption below them (e.g., see Figure 1). The source of the figure should be included after the caption even if it was created by the authors. All the figures should be referred to in the text as Figure X, where X is the corresponding number. The figures must be “inserted” in the manuscript close to where they are mentioned.

The figures and pictures can be in color, but, if they are scanned, they should be sharp. The figures should be included as original pictures inserted in the manuscript with a resolution that ensures legibility is not compromised when their size is adjusted during typesetting (300 dpi). The text in the figures must be in the same language as the manuscript and legible if displayed on a screen or print on paper, preferably the same font and size as the main body of the text.

Tables and figures obtained from analysis equipment, control instruments, and similar devices that are not sufficiently clear, well-defined, or simple should not be included. The figures and tables should not be added unnecessary backgrounds or decorations. Color figures are accepted as long as they can be printed in grayscale without compromising their quality.


For scientific and technological research articles, the main text of the work must include 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusions, 5. Acknowledgments and Financing, and 6. References. A title must be included for each of these sections, which must be adjusted to the left margin with capital letters and bold, without underlining.

At the introduction, contextualization of the problem statement should be made. Authors must include a broad updated review of previous works to justify the research and explicitly define the aim of the research.

The methodology should describe in detail the procedures, methods, and instruments of the research allowing replication of the study and fulfillment of the objective proposed in the research. Authors must include a description of the types of data, measurements and units used, and the statistical tests.

At the results and discussion section, the authors should argue and discuss ideas in order to prove to readers that the results obtained are valid. They can, first, discuss the most important results they obtained, and, second, compare them to those in other similar studies in the literature. For this purpose, they can use graphs and tables that evidence and enable readers to understand quickly and accurately the analysis of the results they obtained in their study.

It is important to honestly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the methods that were proposed, as well as examining the possible impact of the results in the research field.

At the conclusions, the authors should mention the main conclusions of the study, derived from the analysis of the results. This section should be clear and accurate, and its length should be in line with the results of the study.

At the Acknowledgment and funding section, should explicitly state if the study was funded by any public or private funding agency, organization, or institution, and, if possible, the code or number of the research project. If the authors wish to thank an organization or more individuals, it should be a sober text, no longer than 60 words. The following sections are mandatory in this template.


All the authors must explicitly declare any possible conflict of financial, professional, or personal interests that may inappropriately influence the results that were obtained or the interpretations that are proposed.


The papers by multiple authors should include a brief paragraph specifying the contributions each one made to conceptualize, design, and conduct the study and prepare and edit the final manuscript. All the authors must have made a substantial contribution to the study as well as the manuscript. Avoid courtesy authorship (i.e., including authors that did not make a contribution) and ghost authorship (i.e., excluding those who did make a substantial contribution).

The corresponding author, in addition to having made a substantial contribution, ensures that the authorship declarations are true.


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and assisted technologies is permitted only with the aim of improving aspects related to the writing process, such as spelling, grammar, and writing. This technology must be used under the supervision of the author, thoroughly reviewing the result. Under no circumstances should AI-assisted technologies be named as an author or co-author, nor should citations be included, since the role of authorship requires tasks that can be addressed exclusively by humans. 

Disclosure Instructions 

When authors use this technology, they must declare the technology used and why they used it. This statement should go at the end of the manuscript before the references. Finally, if there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement. 

IA STATEMENT (optional)  

While conducting this research, the authors used [TOOL/SERVICE NAME] for [REASON]. After employing this tool/service, the authors have carefully reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the content of the publication. 


The citation style used in TecnoLógicas is based on IEEE’s; however, some changes were made concerning specific information to be included for each type of source. The references should be numbered consequently in the same order as they appear in the text (not in alphabetical order) in brackets before the punctuation marks [1]. In sentences, simply cite the reference number, as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [2]” or “reference [2]”, except at the beginning of a sentence.

When citing multiple references at a time, each one should be written in its own square brackets. For example, for two references, write “[3], [4]” and for more than two consecutive references, “[5]-[10].”

The authors should carefully check that all the publications that are cited in the manuscript are also listed in the references. Therefore, the list should only contain references that have been referred to in the main text, tables, or figures. The number of references should be in accordance with the type and length of the paper. A research article is expected to cite between 20 and 30 references, while a review paper requires at least 50.

The titles of references should be in their original language; however, if they are written in languages that use non-Latin scripts, their English translation should be included.

Connectors and prepositions used in reference formats must be written in the same language of your manuscript; for instance, if your paper is written in English, you should use “and”, “in” and, in Spanish, “y”, “en”.

The authors may cite a maximum of three articles previously published in TecnoLógicas (which should not exceed 10 % of the total number of references), except for systematic reviews whose search and selection methodology could lead to a higher number. Self-citations should be strictly justified by the content of the manuscript and their excess should be avoided.

Cite original documents, preferably scientific documents, and avoid local reports with limited scope and visibility, as well as informal references such as webpages and blogs.

The references should be inserted using a reference manager. Although we accept any of those widely used (i.e., Zotero and EndNote among others), we recommend Mendeley ( for this purpose. In addition, if your manuscript is accepted, you should attach a .bib file containing all the references in the text.

You must use the format indicated in the following link: 

Editorial Workflow

Once the manuscript has been received in the journal TecnoLógicas, the author will be notified, informing him that the manuscript will initiate the evaluation process, which will consist of the following phases:

Preliminary evaluation: at this stage the structure of the manuscript and the fulfillment of shipping requirements will be reviewed (listed in the section Submissions). Likewise, strict compliance with the ethics policies and good practices defined by the journal will be verified, in which it is established that the editors will NOT allow breaches of professional ethical codes, such as: plagiarism, double publication, fraudulent use of data and false statements of authorship, among others; this process includes the verification of the originality of the manuscript through a software for the identification of coincidences. In case of identifying indications about infractions of these codes of ethics, the procedure established in the COPE flow diagrams will be followed to resolve cases of suspected bad practices (see here). The estimated time for this process is 48 to 72 hours.

Once this review is completed, the author will be notified about the news and decisions made with his manuscript at this stage. These can be: rejection for non-compliance with the requirements, request for modifications to correct necessary requirements before continuing with the process or continuation with the editorial process. Minor non-conformities will be informed in later stages, so that they are corrected before the publication of the manuscript, in case it is accepted.

Editorial review: the editorial reviewer will critically and constructively analyze the content of the manuscript and determine if it is within the scope and expectations of the journal; It will also inform if its structure and content comply with the rigor, formalism and quality required to be published in the journal TecnoLógicas. Based on this reviewing, the Editorial Committee will determine if the manuscript can continue with the external academic reviewing process. In case the manuscript does not pass the editorial evaluation, the observations will serve the authors to identify opportunities for improvement, in future applications. The maximum estimated time for this process is three weeks.

Academic review by peers: The journal's reviewing policy is scientific arbitration under the double blind modality, in which the identity of the authors and reviewing is unknown to both parties. The manuscript will be sent to at least two academic pairs external to the institution or the country, which are chosen based on criteria of academic solvency in the subject and mastery of the language in which the manuscript is written. They will issue a concept about the academic quality of their content, rigor in the theoretical and methodological treatment as the author's contribution to new knowledge. The cases of controversy will be resolved through the assignment of an additional reviewer and the Editorial Committee will be the one who will determine the final decision of publication. The estimated time for this process is three months, which depends on the speed of the reviewers to respond to the evaluation.

Editorial Decision: according to the report of the reviewers and the additional observations arranged by the Editorial Committee, the author (s) will be informed of the editorial decision on the manuscript, which may be: no acceptance for publication, request for major modifications, request for minor modifications or acceptance for publication. In cases of requests for modification, a maximum date will be established for the reception of the new manuscript. In this case, the author (s) must add a letter in which they report the response to each of the reviewers' recommendations. The strict compliance with the ethics policies and good practices defined by the journal will be verified for the corrected version, this process includes the verification of the originality of the manuscript through a software for the identification of coincidences. This
 version will be sent to peer reviewers to verify that all required changes have been included in the manuscript. In this second revision, the reviewers can recommend approving or not, the definitive publication of the manuscript or requesting new changes, in which case the new editorial decision will be informed again to the authors. This process is carried out no later than five business days after receiving the concepts of all the reviewers; If the text is returned to the authors to make corrections, they will have a month to make the modifications and submit the manuscript to evaluation again.

Process of text revision and layout: when the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will enter the final editing process. In this stage, the text will be adjusted based on the IEEE international norms and parameters, regarding the citation and referential part. To do this, a file with references in Bibtex format will be requested. Likewise, an orthotypographical, grammatical, semantic and syntactic revision will be made. Then, the article will go to diagramming. The latest version of the article will be reviewed again by the proofreader, the editor and their respective author (s). If corrections do not appear in this process, the author of the contact will be informed of the edition number and approximate date in which the article will be published.

Publication: when the manuscript has completed the diagramming process, it will be published free of charge in electronic format.

NOTE: the time between the initial submission of the manuscript and its final publication depends mainly on the results of each of the evaluations. Therefore, it is suggested to be careful with the fulfillment of the submission requirements and to ensure that your manuscript complies with the quality and technical rigor expected for a scientific publication.