Power and Operations. Simondon and the Imaginaries of the Nuclear Industry

Keywords: Closed fuel cycle, philosophy of technology, nuclear industry


In this paper, I use a theoretical framework inspired by Simondon to analyze the closed fuel cycle strategy implemented by the French nuclear industry in the 1970's. I confront the technocratic conception of technical ensembles, which sees them as the instantiation of a power over nature, with their technological understanding as systems of operations, i.e., points of mediation between technical invention and the natural environment. I argue that the closed fuel cycle strategy can be understood as relying on an imaginary ecology. I propose here a form of critical epistemology, which I compare with Jasanoff's theory of sociotechnical imaginaries, leading to a sociopolitical comprehension of the social efficiency and motives of such a representation. Finally, I question the complementarity conditions between those two frameworks, one normative and the other explanatory.


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How to Cite
Pottin, A. . (2021). Power and Operations. Simondon and the Imaginaries of the Nuclear Industry. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 13(25), e1758. https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.1758


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