Pragmatism and Technology to Improve Research Skills and Critical Thinking about Climate Change and the Anthropocene

Keywords: Anthropocene, bioethics, environmental impact, critical pedagogy, critical-reflective thinking


Technology can be used in pedagogical ways to improve the research skills and critical thinking of college students when they reflect on the causes and effects of the Anthropocene and climate change. This article analyzes a strategy implemented in the second semester of 2021 with twenty-seven (27) students enrolled in a lecture course entitled Saint Albertus Magnus: Science, Technology, and Bioethics, which is part of the Bachelor of Engineering program offered by Saint Thomas Aquinas University in Tunja. First, this article discusses some definitions of the Anthropocene and climate change, giving the reader some context about their impact and consequences in regions in South and Central America. Second, it presents arguments for using certain technological applications as pedagogical mediators that enable students to get closer to research from a pragmatic perspective. In conclusion, some technological applications such as Google Earth—accompanied by several types of questions—spark students’ curiosity, interest, and amazement, bringing them closer to science. These applications, in combination, contribute to their critical-reflective thinking about these phenomena that threaten and put life at risk on a planetary scale.

Author Biography

Jonnathan Abdul Rincón Díaz, Universidad Santo Tomás

Universidad Santo Tomás, Tunja, Colombia. Email:


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How to Cite
Rincón Díaz, J. A. (2023). Pragmatism and Technology to Improve Research Skills and Critical Thinking about Climate Change and the Anthropocene. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 15(30), e2521.


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