Technical lineages, cultural traditions. Quick tour across the transversalities betweenTechnology and Culture

  • Juan Diego Parra-Valencia Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Technique, mnemotechnique, transmission and comunication, Bernard Stiegler, Regis Debray, Gilbert Simondon


Culture and technique are two ways to understand the human fact that have not always been able to discuss. The symbolic character seems to quarrel with the applicability of the technical methods in the constitution of scientific development and the development of knowledge. The world of symbols appears to be governed by collective traditions from scenarios ideological conservatism, while technical universe offers an open field of functional advances that expand the very meaning of the human. From here, this paper seeks points of intersection between the cultural and the technical. We understand Culture as dynamic shaping collective memory (mnemotechnical practices) that form variable budgets in technical self-organizing systems . In this sense, although cultural traditions define a collective memory, it is only after the administration of technical lineages can be defined both ways of thinking of a time and its functional character development.

Author Biography

Juan Diego Parra-Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
PhD en Filosofía, docente Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín


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How to Cite
Parra-Valencia, J. D. (2014). Technical lineages, cultural traditions. Quick tour across the transversalities betweenTechnology and Culture. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 6(11), 49–59.


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