Between classic Greece and modernity: displacement of the meaning "technology"

Keywords: Technology, technique, technê, meaning, capitalism, modernity


This paper presents and analyses shifts in the signifier ‘technology’ over time. It focuses on two historical periods: Classical Greece and Modernity. After verifying general patterns present for twenty centuries, this work considers the changes in the meaning of the signifier ‘technology’ that are due to the emergence of capitalist production. Thus, modernity is described as a crucial moment when the new meanings of such signifier are formed, but also when contingency appears as an essential phenomenon that is verified in the various nuances of the term in different languages. Finally, the multiple meanings of this signifier do not constitute the impossibility of conceptual apprehension. Specifically, the meanings that were found range from an association with rhetoric and grammar started by Aristotle, including the discourse, description, and terminology of arts and techniques, to the point at which the signifier designates the object made by using technical, scientific, and industrial knowledge. We observe an increasing shift towards the latter meaning that is reinforced in the present.

Author Biography

Horacio Correa Lucero, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche

PhD en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Miembro del Centro IESAC de la Universidad Nacional de Quimes, becario postdoctoral CONICET y docente de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Ezpeleta – Argentina


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How to Cite
Correa Lucero, H. (2017). Between classic Greece and modernity: displacement of the meaning "technology". Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 9(17), 63–78.


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