Entrepreneurship - the Need for Interdisciplinary Research

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary research, coronavirus pandemic


The area of research related to entrepreneurship is not homogeneous. Therefore, the interdisciplinary approach is the one that may successfully expand the domains of activities linked to making decisions about establishing and running an enterprise. This is especially important now, in the midst of a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has not only affected the economy but has also significantly influenced decision-making by individuals.

Author Biography

Tomasz Bernat, University of Szczecin

Professor at the University of Szczecin
Representative of the Management Board of AS Serwis for R&D
Co-founder and originator of Allegen - a biotechnology company
E-mail: tomasz.bernat@usz.edu.pl


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How to Cite
Bernat, T. (2022). Entrepreneurship - the Need for Interdisciplinary Research. Revista CEA, 8(16), e2262. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.2262


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