Videogame for Water Conservation Teaching

Keywords: Environmental education, Water conservation, Meaningful learning, Digital game-based learning


Teaching water sustainability is a key element for environmental protection. Although that is true at all educational levels, it is vitally important during primary education because it enables students to develop adequate habits and environmental awareness from an early age. As a consequence, natural science teachers should focus their efforts on strategies to teach said topic, and videogames offer great potential thanks to the interest they usually generate in students. The objective of this work, therefore, is to describe a videogame created to teach water conservation designed in a 3D sandbox format with similar aesthetics to that of the popular Minecraft. The strategy is validated in an actual educational environment with the participation of 65 fourth-graders from an education institution in the municipality of Bello, Colombia. The results enabled the authors to qualitatively and quantitatively (with statistical significance) determine that such strategy promoted more student participation and, at the same time, produced positive attitudes toward the strategy itself and the topic.

Author Biographies

Julián Moreno Cadavid, *, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

PhD en ingeniería, Departamento de Ciencias de la computación y la decisión, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín-Colombia,
*Corresponding author

Sindy V. Vahos-Mesa, Institución Educativa Gilberto Echeverri Mejía, Colombia

Magíster en enseñanza de las ciencias exactas y naturales, Institución Educativa Gilberto Echeverri Mejía, Medellín-Colombia,

Cristián D. Mazo-Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Ingeniero de sistemas e informática, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín-Colombia,


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How to Cite
J. Moreno Cadavid, S. V. Vahos-Mesa, and C. D. Mazo-Muñoz, “Videogame for Water Conservation Teaching”, TecnoL., vol. 22, no. 45, pp. 59–72, May 2019.


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