¿Gestión del conocimiento o gestión de la información?

  • Juan G. Rivera-Berrío Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Keywords: Knowledge management, Knowledge information, Intellectual capital


Knowledge management or information management? It is the problem tackled in this article, question that comes out because of the variety of conceptions that had about what knowledge and information are. For sorne people, there is a clear demarcation criteria to which as ofthe data, information is achieved and from this know ledge is gotten; for sorne other people w hen informa tion is obtained a codified or explicit knowledge is obtained; there are some other authors who supports that the knowledge is only one. The article is an invitation to reflect about the knowledge management existence or not, it's about one of management trends or on the contrary, it's possible to establish a management model that permits building, spreading and using knowledge. 

Author Biography

Juan G. Rivera-Berrío, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Ingeniero civil y especialista en estructuras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudiante de Doctorado Estudios en Ciencia y Tecnología, y Gestión de Innovación Tecnológica en la Universidad del País Vasco-UPV/EHU. Jefe Oficina de Planeación del ITM.
How to Cite
J. G. Rivera-Berrío, “¿Gestión del conocimiento o gestión de la información?”, TecnoL., no. 16, pp. 59–82, Jun. 2006.


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