La globalización del conocimiento científico-tecnológico y su impacto sobre la innovación en los países menos desarrollados

  • Nelsón Rúa-Ceballos Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Keywords: Information, Knowledge, Scientific and Technologic Knowledge (techno-science), Innovation, Globalization, Knowledge Globalization, Techno-globalization, Digital breach, New economy, Informational economy, Informational revolution


The knowledge and the technological innovation play an important role in the economic activities and in the development of the nations. Today, it is spoken about globalization ofthe knowledge, but it hasn't been experienced, although we are immersed in a informational economy based on Tics (technologies ofthe information and the communications) and even, the globalization ofthe information is misunderstood, hence both concepts are not treated as common goods, provided that they lack of the universal condition of free access, the restrictless media and its the world wide spread (developed or not). On the other hand, technology dependency conditions or technodependency are lived likewise restrictions and the globalization challenges, compel to lead to the thresholds of innovatíon, from the diffuseness and grasping of knowledge, according to the regions and developing countries needs.

Author Biography

Nelsón Rúa-Ceballos, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Decano del Programa de Ciencias Básicas del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín (Colombia).
How to Cite
N. Rúa-Ceballos, “La globalización del conocimiento científico-tecnológico y su impacto sobre la innovación en los países menos desarrollados”, TecnoL., no. 16, pp. 35–57, Jun. 2006.


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