The Feedback Role of the Interaction with Artifacts in the Development of Human Technology

Keywords: Technical artifacts, philosophy of technology, prehistoric man, man-influence of natural environment, technical action


The article explores the importance of the role of the artifact environment (and its associated symbols) in the way techniques developed in human groups. To this end, the relationship between human beings and technical action and their products (artifacts) is explored, proposing three characteristics artificial objects have such as (1) structural, (2) cognitive, and (3) motivational. That is, artifacts are not just a form of repository and scaffolding of culture, but with their permanent interaction they also have an enriching feedback role in the horizon of possibilities that nourish technical and cultural creativity.


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How to Cite
Monterroza-Ríos, Álvaro D. (2019). The Feedback Role of the Interaction with Artifacts in the Development of Human Technology. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 11(21), 49–65.


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