Knowledge construction by Psychology students using a synchronous diagrammatic representation tool

Keywords: Collaborative learning, computer-mediated communication, knowledge representation, knowledge-based systems, data visualization


This research describes the process of collaborative knowledge construction by virtual students of Psychology, by means of a synchronous diagrammatic representation tool. In this mixed study, students made an argument to diagrammatically represent a solution. Students gathered in groups. The analysis consisted in identifying the phases for the construction of knowledge, following these steps: a) organization based on the understanding of the case and agreements to participate, b) exchange of information and argumentation, c) elaboration of constructs and approval of meanings, and d) diagramming the solution of the case. The results show the convenience of a collaborative synchronic tool, because it offers students real-time interaction through argumentation, considering the implications of management in a virtual environment, as well as the formative intent and feedback given by the tutor. The results also show that students are interested in organizing activities, agreeing and abiding by established rules, exchanging information and elaborating meanings to produce knowledge through diagrams from the argumentation. It can be concluded that students were able to establish patterns of interaction derived from the level of involvement and the depth of dialogue during the assignment. Finally, proposals are made for teacher intervention and improvement of collaborative processes.


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How to Cite
Castro-Castro, M. L., Chinchilla-Rueda, A. C., Delgado-Meza, J. A., & Vivas, R. V. J. (2020). Knowledge construction by Psychology students using a synchronous diagrammatic representation tool. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 12(23), 141–161.


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