Training Path: Towards the Configuration of a Culture of Environmental Sustainability

Keywords: Social behavior, pro-environmental behavior, sustainable development, environmental education


This study aimed to transfer the pedagogy of environmental education, which reinforces pro-environmental behaviors, to everyday settings by adopting a conceptual and methodological approach. For this purpose, a training path was implemented with the educational community of the Colegio Jorge Gaitán Cortés in Bogotá, Colombia. Five groups of pedagogical interventions were performed there: (1) resignification of relationships with the environment through interpretive tours, (2) inter-institutional articulation for environmental education, (3) curricular focus on environmentally relevant behaviors, (4) implementation of environmental volunteering, and (5) institutional actions for environmental sustainability. This paper also reviews other studies in this field that revolve around three perspectives: environmental education to generate pro-environmental cultural behaviors and practices, the concept of educating city, and the interdisciplinary study of environmental aspects. The results indicate that pedagogic actions should be transferred to the immediate environment and the everyday lives of the educational community. In addition, experiential and cognitive approaches can be combined to encourage the socio-environmental acknowledgement of environmentally friendly spaces in the city, identity formation, and the establishment of bonds with the territory. The pedagogical emphasis on pro-environmental actions enabled students to come up with solutions to problems that are relevant to them. The path towards the construction of a culture of environmental sustainability and, particularly, the consolidation of the achievements of pedagogical interventions require medium and long-term processes that influence the habits and lifestyle of the members of the educational community.

Author Biography

Alba Nubia Muñoz-Montilla, Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá

Research professor. Member of the Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad y Ambiente (CTSA) research group. Email:


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Montilla, A. N. (2022). Training Path: Towards the Configuration of a Culture of Environmental Sustainability. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 14(27), e2137.


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