Educational activities based on cognitive theory of information processing and strategy Use keyword mnemonics. Favorable ideas for the design of virtual learning environments

  • Nicolás García Doncel Universidad Piloto de Colombia
Keywords: Information processing, keyword strategy, Comprehension, Virtual Learning Environments, Cognition


This paper discusses the results of a survey aimed at assessing the level of comprehension achieved by students of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia during their first semester class Fundamentals of Technology I, when they learn through educational activities focused on the cognitive theory of Information Processing (Bruning, Schraw, Bruning, & Roninng, 2005). The survey used a sample of 40 students (men and women) aged between 16 and 21 years old.
This research is part of the set of studies conducted by the research group EPISTEME since 2006 to determine the “Favorable elements for the Pedagogical Design of Virtual Learning Environments.”

Author Biography

Nicolás García Doncel, Universidad Piloto de Colombia
Docente de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Especialista en Tecnologías de la información aplicadas a la educación de la UPN. Candidato a Magíster en Tecnologías de la información aplicadas a la educación de la UPN. Bogotá – Colombia.


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How to Cite
García Doncel, N. (2013). Educational activities based on cognitive theory of information processing and strategy Use keyword mnemonics. Favorable ideas for the design of virtual learning environments. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 5(8), 115–129.


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