Making and representing man´s daily activities. Technique and technology in daily life

  • Francisco Luis Giraldo Gutiérrez Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Representation, art, technique, technology, system, consumption.


Performance and representation, instinctively and intuitively, are the two natural forces that dynamize mankind´s development. Everyday actions, be it for insufficiency or abundance, fancy or necessity, ignorance or lack of knowledge, make technical deeds and technological development possible. This thesis has been fostered from topics such as humanism and human condition, art and representation, and the relations created by an artifact as a consumer strategy.

Its purpose is to disclose that such performance and representation in man are at stake nowadays, by reason of the reign of an economic model that encourages techno-scientific consumption. The subject of art and representation are not addressed as current trends or schools of art or thought, but from the ability to make and create with the man and from the everyday.

As conclusions, this paper establishes in the first place that the human being is an artist, and that, from such condition, has the ability of raising himself up against the system, the human condition in the context of technological rationality is refuses to be subjugated; and second, that today´s woman has been able to recover sociopolitical and economic spaces that show her capacity for performing and representing daily life in a consumer´s society in a different way, in a consumer society . In many areas has surpassed the image of a mere object that arouses desires and passions that lead us to consume.

Author Biography

Francisco Luis Giraldo Gutiérrez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Magíster en Filosofía, Vicerrector de Investigación y Extensión del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, docente de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Medellín


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How to Cite
Giraldo Gutiérrez, F. L. (2013). Making and representing man´s daily activities. Technique and technology in daily life. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 5(9), 61–75.


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