Technique and culture: towards a review of concepts

Keywords: Culture, technique, invention, science, technology, social learning


This article addresses the complex relationships of human cultural construction and entanglements arising from the techniques, which in the course of his invention, shape the everyday and usability of human beings while they create or recreate their mythical world and allow you to settle in the natural order and interaction with other individuals.

Author Biography

Fernando Mora Meléndez, Universidad Eafit

Master in Dramaturgy and Direction; Social Communicator - Journalist, Research Group of Cultural Studies of the School of Sciences and Humanities, EAFIT University, Medellín - Colombia.


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How to Cite
Mora Meléndez, F. (2017). Technique and culture: towards a review of concepts. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 9(17), 219–227.


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