Los Clúster del Sistema Regional de Innovación Antioqueño: Más Debilidades que Fortalezas en su Desempeño

  • Carlos A. Acevedo-Alvarez Intituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín
Keywords: Regional Innovation System, competitiveness, cluster, innovation networks.


This article is initially international contextualization of origin, current state and prospects of the concept of regional innovation system (RIS). Then they show characteristics of successful or SRI developed countries over the characteristics of SRI in developing countries. Later we will show how the identification process, support, implementation and consolidation of microcluster in Antioquia (backbone of the activities of SRI Antioquia) not due to a regional development strategy and that did not involve all its institutions (including scientific environments, productive, social, technological and financial). Finally, set the current scene (SWOT analysis, emphasizing the deficiencies and inadequacies) microcluster policy as central to the activities of SRI Antioquia.

Author Biography

Carlos A. Acevedo-Alvarez, Intituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín
Ingeniero Mecánico-Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en Gerencia de Mantenimiento-Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en combustibles gaseosos. Universidad de Antioquia. Estudiante del doctorado en Filosofía de la Ciencia y Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica (Convenio ITM – UPV). Director del GITER (Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Energéticas) del ITM, Medellín
How to Cite
C. A. Acevedo-Alvarez, “Los Clúster del Sistema Regional de Innovación Antioqueño: Más Debilidades que Fortalezas en su Desempeño”, TecnoL., no. 23, pp. 187–222, Dec. 2009.


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