Behavioral Correlates of Study Engagement in Chilean Engineering Students

Keywords: Study engagement, engineering education, higher education, copying strategy, grounded theory


Research on Study Engagement gained strength in Higher Education due to its predictive value of student performance, abandonment and well-being. However, the explanatory models come from the occupational and school context without precise adaptations to the university context. The research objective sought to characterize the behavioral correlates of the Study Engagement from the experience of Chilean second-year engineering students to provide greater clarity on this construct. A qualitative investigation was carried out with a phenomenological approach and deliberate homogeneous sampling. Twelve students who previously measured their Engagement met the sampling criteria were interviewed. A Thematic Analysis was carried out that showed the existence of 3 categories of "engaged" behaviors: Planning, involvement and social bond. The main causes of Engagement were linked to vital priorities, goals and time organization. Coping focused on self-instruction, life motivations, and social support. The existence of a partial coherence between the students' experience, the conceptualization of the construct and previous empirical evidence is concluded. These findings may be relevant to better adjust the conceptualization according to the student experience. Its implications may also affect the construction of instruments and understanding of previous results.


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How to Cite
Maluenda Albornoz, J., Flores-Oyarzo, G., Bernardo, A. B., & Díaz-Mujica, A. (2021). Behavioral Correlates of Study Engagement in Chilean Engineering Students. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 13(24), 109–133.


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