Innovation between two hands: The market´s invisible hand and the State´s visible hand

  • Alberto Manuel Escobar Rodríguez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Betty Estévez Cedeño Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Keywords: Innovation, society, market, economic approach, techno-economic deviation


In this paper we dedicate our attention to innovation and make emphasis on a more complete concept than that which commonly appears in the bibliography, since it is our belief that some restrictive definitions have taken priority and they privilege above all the influence of economic, technological and business aspects, to the detriment of social, environmental, and quality of life interests, among others. This traditional view focused only on economic dynamics that have led to the appearance of what it is known as techno-economic deviation or economist approach of innovation and related systems. Whereby, our main objective intends to support that apart from the role of the ubiquitous invisible hand of the market in innovation processes, it is required that societal demands have to be considered in more depth, as well as the actions resulting from the visible hand. In other words, those related to the direction or management factor and areas in which policies are of utmost importance.

Author Biographies

Alberto Manuel Escobar Rodríguez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Doctor en Ciencias, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Betty Estévez Cedeño, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Doctora en Ciencias, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja


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How to Cite
Escobar Rodríguez, A. M., & Estévez Cedeño, B. (2012). Innovation between two hands: The market´s invisible hand and the State´s visible hand. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 4(6), 13–30.


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