La composición musical como producto tecnológico

  • Hernán Castrillón-Montoya Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • John J. Ríos-Sosa Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Soundscape, Music, Technique, Technology, Creation.


This article sets out to examine the close l'elationship between the development of the elements that make up music and the technological evolution of instruments which serve as tools for musical creation, its handling, its distribution and its enjoyment. It particularly focuses on the period from the invention of the phonograph in the XIX century to our days. Such focus should bring about a change in the musical formation of traditional conservatorics.

Author Biographies

Hernán Castrillón-Montoya, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Profesor de Música de la Tecnologia en Informatica Musical. Candidato a Maestria en Estetica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellin.
John J. Ríos-Sosa, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Ex director de Bienestar del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
How to Cite
H. Castrillón-Montoya and J. J. Ríos-Sosa, “La composición musical como producto tecnológico”, TecnoL., no. 14, pp. 161–174, Jul. 2005.


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