Space and mind cartographies. Construction and relationship with the landscape as a stage for interaction

Keywords: Perception, imagen, space, interaction, communication, landscape


The construction of mental cartographies is an essential process because it guarantees an adequate interaction with the elements of the world. These imitations act as simulations or navigation maps and fulfill a fundamental role in the relationship and symbolization of experiences. If we take into account that perception processes are defined by a large number of elements that come from the physical world and have to be confronted with others that are part of interpretation, such as memory, it is convenient to briefly review some kinds of relationship between mind and environment in such way that their simultaneity can be understood. The goal is to comprehend the change from subjective understanding to social imaginaries and appreciate the importance of sensoriality in these interactions.

This reflection aims to extend rationalization tools to plan objectual mediations or design objects because it allows the designer to have a clear picture of the consequences of sensitive modifications to mental cartographies as instruments for the interaction between humans and the world. That interaction is also the foundation of relationships that occur in space, which become collective by means of encounters with other individuals and through functional, communicative, and decorative objects in the landscape.


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How to Cite
López Carmona, J. A. (2018). Space and mind cartographies. Construction and relationship with the landscape as a stage for interaction. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 10(19), 87–97.


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