Narrative and practices of promotion of scientific culture in public policies in Ibero-America

  • Carmelo Polino Universidad de Oviedo
  • Carina Cortassa Autónoma de Madrid - UAM
Keywords: Scientific Culture, Latin America, Public Policy


This paper discusses the findings of a study that analyzes the increasing importance given to the scientific culture among science and technology public policies in Ibero-American countries. The work done consisted of reviewing all available documents about policies (acts, programs, etc.) as well as reviewing and classifying practices (contests, exhibitions, science fairs, etc.) promoted by public agencies. The objective of this process was to discuss from a critical perspective the concepts and narrative strategies, as well as the institutionalization and the possibilities offered by practices to reach the goals set. The findings of the study show that, in spite of the general supportive conditions, the situationis complex and heterogeneous. On the one hand, most of the countries understand there is a need to promote the scientific culture, but, on the other hand, this understanding does not always match the actual practices -or the budgets allotted for such practices. Furthermore, evaluations of results and comparisons among countries are hindered due to the absence of public information and indicators.

Author Biographies

Carmelo Polino, Universidad de Oviedo
Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad de Oviedo, Centro Redes/ Observatorio CTS (OEI)
Carina Cortassa, Autónoma de Madrid - UAM

Doctora en Ciencias y Cultura, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Centro Redes, Madrid


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How to Cite
Polino, C., & Cortassa, C. (2016). Narrative and practices of promotion of scientific culture in public policies in Ibero-America. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 8(15), 13–24.


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